Hi guys, I dont know how to put this too you, its very hard to say but.............wait for it...............................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...............................Im back. Yes I did say that, I have returned to planet blog. Since the Alrewas birder blog trod its final path I have quite missed the blogging and recently thought about returning. I didnt want to carry on with the original blog for various reasons so I have created a new beast. This beast is mainly about patchwork birding with the odd bit of field trip write ups and the title, what else, whitemoorhaye.blogspot.com. I have decided to have a go with a blog dedicated to my favorite area, not very exciting I know. Also, as you will see there are a few tabs under the main picture about trips away. I will not put all the stuff on there, just special trips around. So there you go, three months away from the blogesphere and I had to return. Please accept my deepest apologise for this.
I am currently having difficulties searching for this blog. Let me know how you get on, I may have done something wrong.
I have put a link to the new blog from this blog which works find. Please take a look and add any sightings from your visit or to the site list I am creating.